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Technical SEO for eCommerce Websites

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How to do Technical SEO for Ecommerce Websites?

Technical SEO plays a vital role in the success of e-commerce stores. Implementing proper and effective SEO techniques will improve the visibility of your store resulting in generating more sales.

When you are setting up your e-commerce website, you will spend a lot of time making it visually attractive and appealing for visitors. Developing an eye-catching site attracts users. However, this is not enough, your e-commerce website must be a technically sound one. This indicates technical SEO is a crucial factor in e-commerce websites.
Seeking the guidance of an ecommerce website development company would be a better decision to know more about Technical SEO services and their benefits.

technical seoThe Structure of the Website

Accurate website structure is important for eCommerce website SEO. Proper eCommerce website structure is vital for search robots, as well as users. In fact, it should be the first thing that you should consider before creating the design elements and prototypes.

If you forget to do this at first, then certain problems will occur which are difficult to solve later. For example; No space for links to web pages or not being able to place some items in the top menu if it’s limited.

Having a good structure for your eCommerce website plays a vital role in improving the conversion rate.

Sitemap XML and HTML

XML sitemap helps search engines to explore your website. It only enables the search engines to know which pages you consider the most important to your website. Thus, every active landing page conforming to the correct protocol should be included in the sitemap in XML.

However, when it comes to sitemap, Google recommends HTML as it improves the accessibility of the website. An HTML web page, which links to the important landing sites which are live to satisfy the users, as well as search engines.

Managing sitemaps properly can make a huge difference in your website’s performance.

Clean URLs

A clean URL is one which is easily readable and does not have any URL parameters or query strings. This type of URL results in higher CTR (Click through rates) in the search results. It’s because people are more likely to click these URLs as they are easily understandable.

People prefer clean URLs and as a result, search engines also prefer this kind of URL. However, it is not good to stuff keywords in the URLs for SEO.

Clean URLs facilitate the ability of search engines to find out the relevance of page content to a particular search query to select what to showcase in the search results.

Canonical Labels

Canonical labels are a way of informing search engines that a specific URL represents the web page’s master copy. It is a piece of HTML code, which helps the search engines to identify the actual version of the web page from other similar or identical web pages.

When it comes to SEO, canonical tags are used for informing Google about which version of your web page you would like to come up in the search results for consolidating the link equity from the duplicate web pages. Not only this but also to improve the website’s crawling and indexing.

Create Unique Content for the Product

Unique content refers to one which is entirely different from all the content on the web. Creating unique content is important for a website because it improves SEO. It includes specific information such as company and location details.

Unique content is one of the best ways for providing value to readers. It’s a fact that clients, customers, and followers don’t like reading content that they have seen already elsewhere on the internet. This type of content helps you improve the domain authority of your website resulting in improved sales and conversions. Additionally, with this content, more backlinks will be produced.

Nowadays, many SEO service providers offer content marketing services as well.

Ratings and Reviews

Online ratings and reviews on your eCommerce website help you earn more clients as they play a vital role in purchasing decisions. As e-commerce and online marketplaces are becoming widely popular, potential clients continue to read reviews to decide whether to trust the brand or not.

For example; if any customer is unsure whether to buy a product or not, they might look for product reviews to ensure it’s worth the money or not. Moreover, the chances of customers buying products are high if you showcase reviews under the product. Ratings and reviews allow them to learn more about diverse products and brands.

Verify the Seller Account in the Platform

The e-commerce sector has become an easy goal for online fraudsters. As a result, many platforms are opting for the seller verification process. Seller verification is the procedure that potential sellers on the online marketplace have to walk through for their identity verification. This process is to protect customers from fake sellers.

Every online e-commerce store has its own procedure for verifying the identity of the sellers. Some store allows sellers to sell once they verified themselves. However, at the same time, some store provides limited access to unverified sellers such they can use certain features of that particular platform.

E-commerce Marketing (SEO, SMM, SEM, SMO)

Are you an e-commerce business owner? If yes, then e-commerce marketing is important for you. E-commerce marketing is the process of promoting your online store and generating sales. With this marketing, you can get a lot of benefits. This includes driving traffic to your e-commerce website, converting the site visitors to new clients, and improving the post-purchase experience to boost customer satisfaction and stimulate more bigger and regular orders.

E-commerce marketing includes all the online marketing channels and some traditional offline ones. This includes search engines, email marketing, social media marketing, and offline marketing such as TV spots, print, and more.
As of now, you can get e-commerce marketing services easily with the help of an ecommerce website development company.

Robots.txt (block Broken Link)

A robots.txt file explains the search engine crawlers about the URLs that the crawlers can access on your website. This is used for avoiding overloading your website requests. However, it’s not a mechanism for keeping a web page out of Google. If you want to keep any web page out of Google, then block indexing using an index or protect the web page with a password.

The web admin might restrict the web pages which are crawled and indexed by some specific search engines using the Robots.txt file. If eCommerce sites want to make the best use of this technology, then the essential web pages should not be prevented from being indexed and crawled. However, at the same time, the pages which are less useful are not allowed to waste crawl funds.

Mobile-Optimized Landing Pages

More than 50% of the proper spent time on mobile phones. No matter whether they want to purchase anything or need any information, mobile phones are mostly used. Thus, your e-commerce website needs to be mobile-optimized.

In fact, the mobile version of your website will become the basis for indexing and establishing SERP rankings as Google has transitioned to a mobile-first index.

Structured pages, canonical data, and compressed graphics are the best practices for a responsive website. A responsive website indicates that it works well on desktops, mobile devices, and tablets.


Technical SEO is an important part of on-page SEO and improves the technical factors of your ecommerce website to increase its ranking in search engines. Making a website easy to crawl, faster, and more understandable for search engines are the main factors behind technical optimization.

Want to know more? Get in touch with our SEO team. We are the leading E-commerce web design agency offering a wide range of services including technical SEO services as well. Our SEO team is experienced and skilled in helping customers in fulfilling their SEO needs.

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