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Why Google Recommends Quality Over Quantity Backlinks

Why Google Recommends Quality Over Quantity Backlinks

There is so much talk about backlinks. But, what exactly does it mean? In this article, you will find out all you need to know about backlinks. You will find the answer to the question of why Google recommends a quality over quantity backlink strategy. Stay with us until the end to learn more about backlinks and their importance.

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What are Backlinks?

To begin to understand the simple question of how and why it is important to understand the why. One of the main reasons why businesses opt for SEO company in Chennai is to increase the visibility of their websites, improve their performance, and in many ways, directly or indirectly, promote their businesses online. Effective strategies, if implemented in the proper manner or by SEO experts from a digital marketing agency in Chennai, will ensure that your website is bound to progress in its performance.

To answer the question, backlinks are elements evaluated by Google to judge and evaluate the trustworthiness of a website. Get your backlinks right and you will watch the progress of your website increase steadily over time.

Is Link Building Important for SEO?

Before we mention the importance of websites, you must understand the two types of backlinks: natural link building and non-natural link building. So, how important is link building? It is very important. You have your answer above. Link building promotes your website to Google algorithms, invariably increasing ranking.

Link Building-Quality vs. Quantity

Was link building always important? No, it has become increasingly important in recent times. But Google has a loophole in this equation. Are you wondering if you’ve heard us right? Yes, we did. There is a loophole. It cannot find the difference between low and high-quality sources. This is where technical experts fill in the gap. But, today, it contributes to the quality of the website as well. Qualitative backlinks add value to your website by adding two elements: trustworthiness and promotion of domain authority. Why go through the hassle of it all? Contact our SEO experts in Chennai to get the work done for your business website.


With the answers in place, go ahead and get an expert to promote your business online using expert strategies. In this article, we have answered the question of why Google recommends a quality-over-quantity backlink strategy. For more information on backlinks, get in touch with the best SEO company in Chennai.

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